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  • riproductions222

Jodipan, The Rainbow village.

Updated: Jul 28, 2022

Walking through the streets of Malang, many people will be amazed when they suddenly come face to face with the Jodipan district, bustling with colours. The nickname rainbow village leaves nothing to the imagination.

Certainly the history of Jodipan shows that with love and attention even a slum can get the beauty it deserves. Jodipan was a slum with little appearance, but that changed when a group of students decided in 2016 to partner with a local paint manufacturer. This has resulted in a huge project after which this ugly duck has been turned into a beautiful swan. On the other side of the highway is another colorful neighborhood called the blue village. Both villages are accessible from several entrance gates. A small contribution is requested, but this only benefits the entire community. Many colorful alleys, shops and restaurants will welcome you here.

Small note: Make sure you visit the village on time, in the morning or in the afternoon.Unfortunately we arrived too late so we didn't have time to enter the village. But this is another good reason to come back to this special place in the future.

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